Adriana is the mother of two diagnosed children, one with hyperactivity and attention deficit and the other with Autism. For Adriana, the biggest difficulty is for her daughters to feel “normal” in everyday life and included and, therefore, she decided to launch a blog where she helps people in similar situations and enlightens the general public.
To create an impactful and very emotional communication that had two main objectives: To make society aware of the difficulties of these families and to serve as support for other parents who go through the same situation.
We decided to create a story for a motion graphics video that, without voiceover, tells the story of Clara, a girl who suffers from Autism. In the discovery of the child's daily life and in the course of some less expected situations, there is a mother's perception that something is not right. We explored the idea that the heart always knows what is going on with children. It is in this sense that the hearts of mother and child come to life during the story.